Monday, October 27, 2008


Our Syd has declined really quickly...he can hardly walk, his back legs just don't want to work for him, he is sleeping all day, more than usual, and has lost so much weight.

We have made the decision...we took him to the vet this afternoon and have had him put to sleep so he can go to doggy heaven and chase as many sheep as he likes, he can swim at Gantheaume Point again and generally be his old usual funny self.

Good bye Syd, you were the best family pet and working dog we ever had...everyone loved you lots.


  1. Jo,Pete,Matthew & Karen.

    Sorry to hear about Syd, Andrea and I know how special our dogs can be to us and how hard it is when you lose them.

    Syd can now bury bones with Diesel upstairs, not to mention some bum sniffing and strange humping behaviour.

    Thanks for your call to us after we lost Diesel, you were a great help.

    Love Wayne.

  2. so sorry for the loss of syd and previously diesel. i am very attached to my animals and know how hard these times are. best wishes
