Sunday, February 8, 2009

H E L L O . . .

Helloooo...anybody out there?

Seems the land of blogger land has been very quiet...where is everybody? Think Andrea has completely forgotten about her blog, and she was the one to get us started!


On a different new job at the servo is going well. There isn't much to tell, I quite like it, the work is pretty good, you are kept busy....BUT...I can't get over how quickly customers get irate if they have to wait like 2 seconds! Crazy! The public is pretty funny tho, keep your sense of humour and things will be fine I reckon. I am doing a night shift tonight, should be interesting. I have never done night shift before, so I hope I can keep my eyes open.


Matt still not working! Un @#*#believable!! I do feel for the guy tho, he puts in applications and either gets no reply or a knock back. Can't work out what is going wrong...I know there is a down turn in jobs at the moment, but surely he should be able to get something...

oh well, that me for the time being...
cheers and beers...


  1. Jo Jo I'm glad your enjoying your new job, hope the nightshift went okay. I'm planning to blog day!
    Love the new pink page!

    AC x

  2. Jo Jo hope all is going well with your new job.

